Free OST Viewer: Your Solution for Easy OST File Access

Free OST Viewer is a specialized software utility designed for viewing and managing Offline Storage Table (OST) files without the need for Microsoft Outlook. This software allows you to read OST files, even if they are corrupted, all in a user-friendly interface.

Why Use a Free OST Viewer?

OST files, primarily used by Microsoft Outlook, are incredibly useful for offline access to mailbox data. However, OST files are tightly integrated with Outlook and Exchange server, which means opening them without Outlook can be a challenge. This is where a free OST viewer comes in handy. Here's why:

Key Features

Although features can vary from one free OST viewer to another, here are some common functionalities:

How to Use a Free OST Viewer

Using a free OST viewer is generally straightforward:

  1. Download and Install: Get the software from a reputable source and install it, unless it's a portable version.
  2. Open OST File: Launch the application and open the OST file you wish to view.
  3. Navigate: Use the folder structure to navigate to the emails or files you need.
  4. Read and Analyze: Read your emails, view attachments, or utilize the search function to find specific data.

Considerations and Limitations

While free OST viewers offer a quick solution, they do come with some limitations:


A free OST viewer serves as a valuable tool for those who need to access OST files but don't have Microsoft Outlook. It is particularly beneficial for IT administrators, forensic experts, and anyone who needs quick, hassle-free OST file access. However, be cautious about the source from which you are downloading the software to ensure it is reputable and secure.